How To Turn An Airsoft Gun Into A Real Gun

Turning an Airsoft Gun into a Real Gun

The idea of turning an Airsoft gun into a real gun may sound daunting--but with the right steps, it's actually a relatively simple process. Airsoft guns and real guns have a lot of similarities in terms of the required parts to make them, so turning an Airsoft gun into a real gun requires some basic gunsmithing knowledge and skills. This article will delve into the features, benefits, pros and cons, case studies, FAQs, mistakes people make, and best practices of turning an Airsoft gun into a real gun.

The Israel Weapon Industries Galil ACE is a popular Airsoft gun, and turning it into a real gun requires finding and fitting specific parts: a receiver, barrel, barrel trunnion, handguard, bolt, bolt carrier, guard, ejector, fire control parts and barrel pin. After having the required parts, the next step in turning the Airsoft gun into a real gun involves using a drill press to ream the barrel pin, and an Armorer's Block to install the fire control parts. This process is relatively simple and can be done without outsourcing the installation and tuning of the gun, potentially with a few simple tools.

The benefit of turning an Airsoft gun into a real gun is that it can be done relatively quickly and easily. It requires quite a bit of gunsmithing knowledge and tools, but once these resources are on hand, the conversion process can be done quickly and with limited resources.

One of the most obvious pros of turning an Airsoft gun into a real gun is cost efficiency. By finding and fitting existing parts, a person can save a tremendous amount of money, as each of the parts can be bought separately for a fraction of the cost of a new real gun.

The biggest con of turning an Airsoft gun into a real gun is the potential legality issues involved. Airsoft guns are widely available, but all parts and processes related to weapon modification must comply with local and federal regulations. Knowing local and federal laws is essential to ensure that any conversion does not run afoul of regulations.

To show the feasibility of turning an Airsoft gun into a real gun, there are a number of case studies that demonstrate successful conversions. One such case study involves a conversion of an IWI Galil ACE into a specific submachine gun configuration. The IWI Galil ACE used for this conversion was initially a replica of the AK-47, but with the addition of a barrel, barrel trunnion, fire control parts and barrel pin, it was converted into an operational submachine gun. This case study demonstrates the potential of Airsoft guns to be converted to real guns in a relatively straightforward and cost-effective manner.

Parts can be found both online and in person. Some specialty gun shops may carry certain parts, and online vendors often specialize in gunsmithing parts and accessories. Additionally, gun shows are another useful place to find parts as vendors from all over the country may be selling components to complete an Airsoft gun to real gun conversion.

Airsoft guns and real guns have a lot of similarities in terms of the parts required for their manufacture. Therefore, the technical difficulties associated with turning an Airsoft gun into a real gun are generally quite minimal. Proper drill press usage and proper installation of the fire control parts are both important in successfully completing a conversion. Once these steps are taken, the conversion fluid and simple--though all applicable regulations must be followed.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when attempting an Airsoft gun to real gun conversion is failing to understand the federal and local laws before starting the conversion process. It is essential to comply with local and federal laws when completing any type of weapon modifications, and failure to do so can lead to fines or even jail time. Additionally, improper use of the drill press and Armorer's block can lead to improper installation of the parts, which can lead to more serious risks like accidental discharge of the gun.

When attempting an Airsoft gun to real gun conversion, there are several best practices that should be considered. Before starting the process, research local and federal laws to ensure compliance. Additionally, ensure that all parts fit and function properly with a qualified gunsmith or a knowledgeable friend before firing the gun. Finally, it is best practice to wear the proper safety gear when testing the finished product.

Turning an Airsoft gun into a real gun is surprisingly simple and cost-effective--but there are still a few potential legal and safety issues that must be taken into account. While there are many similarities between an Airsoft gun and a real gun, it is still essential to know and comply with local and federal laws to avoid fines or worse. Additionally, proper installation of the parts and proper use of the drill press and Armorer's block are key to a successful conversion. Lastly, when firing the completed gun, wearing the proper safety gear is essential to ensure the user's safety. With the right knowledge, tools, and safety practices, completing an Airsoft gun to real gun conversion is a simple and rewarding process.


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