Airsoft Guns How Much Do They Hurt

How Much Do Airsoft Guns Hurt?

Airsoft guns are an increasingly popular form of play, recreational shooting and aggressive games due to their relatively low-velocity and non-lethal projectile. Yet, that does not mean these toys absolutely hurt and natural caution should still be taken when enjoying them. Let's take a quick dive into understanding how much Airsoft guns may hurt and how you can minimize any discomfort.

Airsoft guns utilize a 6mm plastic pellet that is propelled from the weapon due to a piston powered by air. This makes the velocity of each weapon limited, typically falling somewhere between 80-200 fps (feet per second). There is also an alternative form of Airsoft game called CQB (Close Quarter Battle) which utilizes a spring-loaded replica. Here the velocity reduces to a mere 50-80 fps for the intended purpose of leaving minimal-to-no marks.

General safety protocols such as use of appropriate eye protection is usually priority when using an Airsoft gun, but wearing protective clothing or thick gloves is also something you may want to look into for personal comfort. Keeping any replicas on a safe setting' and never aiming directly at someone's facial area is also something recommended by the ASP (Airsoft Society of Players).

Depending on the velocity the pellet is shot at, the amount of pain if any may differ from person to person. Commonly, the Airsoft pellet hits at a low velocity and would not leave any apparent bruises or marks unless shot from a very close range. Even in such a situation, it would not generally cause an injury that needs medical attention and the feeling is rather of an uncomfortable burning sensation.

The level of pain felt essentially depends on the distance of the shooter and how tough the recipient's skin is. At a distance of roughly 30ft, a shot on an exposed area will not hurt as opposed to if the shot was given closer - around 10ft or even 5ft, as this would likely cause some pain. Abiding by generally accepted safety protocols with Airsoft guns would limit any pain greatly and it would only be felt as gentle burning sensation with minimal to no bruising.

In conclusion, although not entirely pain free demanding proper safety precautions and thoughtfulness when utilizing an Airsoft gun. As long as the correct safety protocols and sensible practices are applied when playing with Airsoft replicas, the pain felt would likely be minimal. Providing the correct gear in the form of suitable safety apparel and adequate eye protection, playing of Airsoft could be enjoyed with absolute safety.

In light of the aforesaid, it is evident that both the gun and associated safety regulations play a vital role in minimizing the pain felt after playing Airsoft games. As the game continues to grow in popularity, it is important to educate ourselves and remember that safety is essential when engaging in activities that might hurt if done improperly.


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